Please be alert against scams
In recent times, we have received several inquiries from customers about phone calls, emails & text messages impersonating us.
If you receive a call, email or text message claiming to be from SingPost or vPost, please do not provide any personal information, such as your full name and bank account details, or transfer any money that may be requested. Even if the email or text message you received contains the SingPost name or logo, please do not reply to it or click on any hyperlink in it.
If we are unable to deliver an item to you, you will receive a physical Non-Delivery Advice to collect the item from a Post Office or POPStation.
How to assess the legitimacy of calls, emails & text messages
We do not initiate automated voice calls and our primary language of communication is English. All official emails from vPost will be sent from addresses ending with””. They will not be sent from personal email accounts such as Hotmail, Gmail, or other unfamiliar email domains.
We also do not initiate any text messages asking you to claim a prize or to do a survey.
We work closely with the Singapore Police Force to assist the public from falling for such scams. You may lodge a police report if you receive such calls, emails or text messages.
If you have further questions, please call our hotline @ 1605(*4).
You may also visit the National Crime Prevention Council’s website for more information about various types of scams.
Phishing advisory
Some of the parcel scams appear to be phishing attacks, in which someone attempts to obtain confidential information such as your passwords, credit card and bank account details, and other sensitive information. These can be in the form of an official-looking email, website popup, text message or phone call.
As part of our commitment to protect SingPost and our customers, here are some tips to help you spot phishing email and protect yourself from a phishing attempt.
How to Avoid Phishing Attacks
Here are some general tips to protect against a phishing attempt:
Beware of emails or websites requesting you to click or reply to provide confirmation for your personal, financial or other sensitive information. A phishing email tends to address you generally as “Dear Sir/Madam”. It also tends to request for urgent action or contain threats.
Beware of pop-ups. Do not click on hyperlinks, download files or open attachments unless you are sure that the source is legitimate.
Beware of text messages asking you to claim a prize/do a survey by following a hyperlink.
Look out for any security warnings displayed by web browsers or security softwares. If there is a security warning, it is best to be wary and heed the warning.
To safeguard yourself, please be extra careful when you receive any unsolicited email or other forms of communication asking you to provide confidential or personal information.
Under no circumstances should you reveal any personal information including credit card or banking details to third parties via email, letter, SMS or phone until you have verified the authenticity of such requests.
Check the full URL to ensure that the website is legitimate, for example:
It should NOT look like these:
All official emails from vPost will typically be sent from They will not be sent from personal email accounts such as Hotmail, Gmail, or other unfamiliar email domains.
Our email replies are usually signed off with an officer’s name, designation and contact information.
How to Report Phishing
If you have received a suspicious email, letter, text message or phone call purportedly from vPost, call SingPost’s hotline at 1605(*4) to verify the authenticity of such messages.
Do not respond to them or click on any hyperlink. In the case of suspicious phone calls, you should request for the caller’s full name, telephone number and department and validate this through our Customer Service hotline at 1605(*4).
If you suspect that you have fallen prey to a phishing scam with personal or financial information, you are advised to:
Lodge a police report and immediately change the passwords or PINs on all your online accounts and contact your banks to stop any transactions.
Useful links:
Singapore Police Force
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Scam Alert